What is EngAGE?

Physical deconditioning and social isolation are leading causes of a loss of independence in older adults.

EngAGE aims to deliver cost-effective and sustainable programs that promote successful ageing while providing student practitioners an authentic and supportive learning environment.

EngAGE currently comprises of two programs that support community-dwelling and older adults in Residential Aged Care Facilities. These programs are facilitated by Accredited Exercise Physiologists and supported by student practitioners.

What are the benefits?

For Older Adults

Expert supervision and a structured program to increase exercise engagement, education and social interaction. Results in improved physical function, social wellbeing, and quality of life.

For Universities

Providing authentic and supportive learning opportunities for student practitioners that align with peak body requirements to meet accreditation standards.

For the Wider Community

Reduction in direct costs associated with health professional interactions and contributing to building a greater and better trained allied health workforce for sustained community impacts.

What are the Programs?

Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF)

A sustainable, safe and enjoyable exercise program for residents in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs).


A fun, safe and socially engaging online exercise program for senior Australians to combat the negative influence of ageing.