The EngAGE Team

EngAGE was initially developed in 2020 by the Centre for Rehab Innovations (CRI) and the Discipline of Exercise and Sport Science at the University of Newcastle. The motivation to develop the program came from engagement from the Central Coast Local Health District indicating the significant challenges associated with loneliness and physical exercise in the over 65 aged group. In response, the EngAGE team developed two programs that deliver a combined practitioner and student service model. The programs provide supervised exercise sessions creating a social, sustainable, and enjoyable exercise culture for participants.

In the ensuing years the EngAGE team and program has expanded significantly and now spans multiple regions, health districts, has multiple large commercial partners, and is governed through a multi-national university leadership group. The vision is to develop EngAGE to be a national program, training the next generation of practitioners, while delivering skills to the community to improve their social connectedness, health and quality of life.

  • Dr Nattai Borges

    EngAGE Lead Investigator - University of NSW
    Research Affiliate - Centre for Rehab Innovations

  • Professor Rohan Walker

    EngAGE Lead Investigator - University of Newcastle
    Co-Director - Centre for Rehab Innovations

  • Professor Michael Nilsson

    EngAGE Investigator - University of Newcastle
    Co-Director - Centre for Rehab Innovations

  • Professor Michael Pollack

    EngAGE Investigator - University of Newcastle
    Clinical Lead - Centre for Rehab Innovations

  • Kristy Payne

    Kristy Payne

    EngAGE Project Manager
    Centre for Rehab Innovations

  • Lucy Bailey

    EngAGE Project Support
    Operations Manager - Centre for Rehab Innovations

  • Professor Carl Johan Sundberg

    EngAGE Scientific Advisory Committee
    Coordinator, Science & Society, President’s Office and Head of Department, Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics - Karolinska Institute, Sweden

  • Professor Thomas Linden

    EngAGE Scientific Advisory Committee
    Director, Department of Knowledge-based Policy Support - Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, Sweden

Our partners

The EngAGE programs are funded and supported by a number of partners and collaborators.