How Can You Get Involved?

RACF Residents and Facilities

The RACF arm of the EngAGE program provides aged care residents an avenue for fun, safe and socially engaging exercise to combat the social, psychological and physical burdens of ageing.

EngAGE is a FREE program utilising Exercise Physiology services through existing health care frameworks working in conjunction with students undertaking a Master of Exercise Physiology and Accredited Exercise Physiologists.

This combined practitioner and student service model provides supervised individual exercise sessions and aims to create a sustainable, safe and enjoyable exercise culture for residents.

If you are interested in your residential aged care facility being involved, or would like to learn more about the EngAGE RACF program, please contact us.

Community Older Adults

EngAGE: Community is a FREE 12-week online program facilitated by Accredited Exercise Physiologists and students undertaking a Master of Exercise Physiology. Weekly zoom classes will allow you to make new friends, do some exercise and learn about lifestyle health without leaving your home.

The EngAGE Community program aims to provide immediate benefit for your overall health. If you are interested in joining the program, a pre-exercise health screening survey will be used to help identify any health issues and tailor your program accordingly.

For more information and to participate in this program please contact us.

Student Practitioners and Universities

As a student joining the program, you will have the opportunity to work as a student practitioner either in the online ‘Community’ setting or at a participating Residential Aged Care Facility in exchange for practicum hours. Both the Community and RACF arms of the program offer 60 practicum hours each.

These programs have been designed to improve the work readiness and confidence of the student cohort by providing hands on learning opportunities. Students will be supervised by an Accredited Exercise Physiologist throughout the programs.

To be a student practitioner in the EngAGE program, you must be:

  • Enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree studying Exercise Physiology

  • Able to complete the online surveys

  • Able to complete the pre-program training (12 hours) and commit to attending the 12 week program.

Students enrolled in the program will be required to attend and facilitate the sessions under the supervision of an Accredited Exercise Physiologist.

The EngAGE program is embedded in the Master of Exercise Physiology practicum program at participating universities. You are required to apply for this opportunity through the established practicum process. If you are interested in participating or would like to learn more about the program, please contact us.